Red Dead Redemption 2 erscheint am 26. Oktober 2018

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  • Halli hallo ich wollte mir das Red Dead 2 Spiel vorbestellen:appetit:

    Dazu nur eine frage kann mir jemand eine Info zu geben ob man im Online Modus auch einen Weiblichen Charakter erstellen kann?

    Vielen dank schon mal:*:**

    Bitte melde dich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2: Ausführlichere Vorschauberichte

    Von IGN, Game Informer, The Telegraph und Weiteren

    Infolge der Hands-on-Vorschauberichte im September, die es bereits hier auf dem Newswire zu sehen gab, hatten ausgewählte Medien weltweit die Gelegenheit, sich diese Woche einen tieferen Einblick in die Welt von Red Dead Redemption 2 zu verschaffen. Werft hier einen Blick auf ihre Eindrücke und folgt den individuellen Links, um euch die vollständigen Vorschauberichte anzuschauen:

    "Rockstar has done a particularly great job in replicating the outdoors – no small detail, considering just how much time you spend there. Forests get appropriately dense, and wildlife is abundant, with more than 200 different types of birds, beasts, and fish. And while the game features a score that has more than 100 different pieces of music, the sounds of nature are a big component of the audio landscape. At several times during the demo, I was certain that a persistent fly was near my head, but it was just part of the game… Rockstar has pioneered the open-world genre for decades, and with Red Dead Redemption 2, they’ve outdone themselves.”- Game Informer

    "The horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 are an absolute key cog in its extraordinary workings. They look phenomenal, for a start, with detailed muscles and manes cutting a believable equine figure. But it is in how they move that impresses the most, their hooves connecting with the ground, reacting to different terrain, be it snow, mud or solid paths." - The Telegraph

    "The graphics themselves are beautiful. Little touches abound, like the snow sticking to Arthur’s jacket before slowly melting, or blood from enemies rubbing off onto your avatar’s body if you carry their corpses around. And if those details don’t floor you, the lighting and animation surely will." - IGN

    "From all that we've seen of Red Dead Redemption 2 thus far, it's evident Rockstar Games has crafted a detailed and reactive world to explore in its much anticipated western sequel. Not only will the non-playable characters you encounter snitch on your crimes if they see you engaging in some shady activities, you'll be able to interact with strangers you come across in various other ways, which can have some unexpected consequences." - Gamespot

    “It's abundantly clear that Rockstar has achieved something remarkable - true immersion, to make the player belong in a certain space, to make the illusion of an additional reality so convincing that you find yourself missing the characters when you aren't playing, that your own movements start to feel alien and Arthur's normal.” - Gamereactor


  • Red Dead Redemption 2: Auch in Deutschland erscheint die ungeschnittene Originalversion

    Wie Rockstar inzwischen auf Nachfrage bestätigt hat, wird "Red Dead Redemption 2" auch im deutschen Handel ungeschnitten mit der Altersfreigabe ab 18 Jahren erscheinen. Die deutsche Version ist also Inhaltsgleich mit der internationalen Fassung.
