Es steht ein neues Update zur Verfügung:
Mit diesem wird vorrangig die Erfahrung für die Online-Heists verbessert, darunter die Framerate. Darüber hinaus wurden dem UI mehr Optionen hinzugefügt,
sodass ihr den Heists nun schneller beitreten könnt. In den Heists-Lobbies kann der Host nun auch das Matchmaking anpassen und auf offen oder geschlossen stellen.
Alle weitere Details zum Update 1.09 könnt ihr im folgenden Changelog nachlesen:
- Fixed a minor animation issue when throwing grenades while aiming on the PS4
- Fixed an issue where the Bad Sport flag was not correctly being removed from certain players’ accounts
- Fixed an issue where vehicle frames were not visually displaying damage correctly when heavily damaged
- Fixed an issue where a black screen was appearing when PSN was down
- Fixed an issue where the “Looking for job” display was being removed after accessing the Internet from the in-game phone, even though matchmaking was still in progress
- Fixed an issue where the player could lose control of character after backing out of hacking the vault in one of the Heists
- Fixed a rare issue where the player could get stuck on a cutscene if launching a certain Heist while in Ron’s Survival introduction
- Fixed an issue where Criminal Mastermind progression was occasionally not tracking properly
- Fixed an issue where players could spawn multiple parachutes
- Fixed an issue with the time of day on one of the Heists
- Fixed a possible crash when a One on One Deathmatch was initiated around the same time as a Heist invite
- Fixed an issue where a Kraken could be replaced by a Dinghy after receiving a Title Update
- Fixed an issue where a previous fix for character appearance changes was not applied correctly if the player was wearing a mask
- Fixed a rare issue where players could get stuck on a black screen when trying to enter GTA Online
- Fixed an issue where the objective could display incorrectly after evidence was picked up in one of the missions
- Fixed a rare issue with lost player control after accepting a cross-session invite
- Fix for issue where some players were experiencing freezing when trying to use the in-game cell phone in Story Mode
- Fixed miscellaneous recent exploits
- Other minor fixes for GTA Online and Story Mode to improve general stability
Quelle: Playfront